Old Tom Foolery makes great cards, living up to their motto of "Unsappy, Uncrappy greetings and more." The cards all have a definite heft to them, with the words deep set for that authentic letterpress feel: the reason so many of us are enamored with letterpress is because of the tactile benefit: the luxurious feel of luxury. These cards are all on thick "tree-free" cotton. Since tacos are my favorite of all foods, the "I'm in the mood" card was essentially a marraige of my two greatest indulgences: cards and tacos. It's exactly my type of humor. Ok, so I prefer the tacos at Mayhuel to Taco Bell- but cards are meant to be written on and customized.
Old Tom Foolery has a whole like of asterisk cards- they all work really well too. Highlights:
Kiss me.*
*But brush your teeth first.
Happy Graduation!*
*Welcome to the real world, sucker.
I miss you.*
*It’s been so long, I’m starting to forget what you look like. Sure hope you’re not ugly.
It's a fun site to go spend some time on, with many line extensions- go find an uncrappy greeting.
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